Intrinsic Business Value
As much as Charlie and I talk about intrinsic business value, we cannot tell you precisely what that number
is for Berkshire shares (or, for that matter, any other stock). In our 2010 annual report, however, we laid out the three elements – one of which was qualitative – that we believe are the keys to a sensible estimate of Berkshire’s intrinsic value. That discussion is reproduced in full on pages 104-105.
Here is an update of the two quantitative factors: In 2012 our per-share investments increased 15.7% to
$113,786, and our per-share pre-tax earnings from businesses other than insurance and investments also increased 15.7% to $8,085.
Since 1970, our per-share investments have increased at a rate of 19.4% compounded annually, and our
per-share earnings figure has grown at a 20.8% clip. It is no coincidence that the price of Berkshire stock over the 42-year period has increased at a rate very similar to that of our two measures of value. Charlie and I like to see gains in both areas, but our strong emphasis will always be on building operating earnings.
以下是真实数据,所有的数据来自Berkshire Hathaway INC 的2012年年报:
在1970 年 股价是每股 66usd , 而EPS是2.87 ,(2012年报第104页)
在2010年 股价是每股94730usd,而EPS是5926.04,(2012年报第104页)
在这40年里股价每股年复利为19.93% ,而EPS年复利为21.02% 。从这数据说明股价在2010年是低于内在价值。
在看看2013 年的3月的股价每股155978USD, 而每股盈利8977usd(2012年报第26页)
为何我用2013 年3月为标准,因为年报是在2013年3月才公布。
注意:在42年来,股价年复利20.32%, 而每股盈利也年复利21.12%。 从这数据说明2010年股价的确是被低估了,在2012年年报出炉后股价就慢慢升回接近每股盈利也年复利21.12%。
但是如果股价年复利高于盈利的年复利,就是股价目前被高估。巴菲特常说如果用0.8usd 买入价值1usd股票是多么的好。 所以说在2010年美国有钱人买入巴菲特的股票收2年已经得到年复利回报28.32%了。
用了这指标能看的出马来西亚很多被高估(因为被炒高的),可是华阳和tambun indah,是被低估。所以要买股就要买入盈利年复利成长高的股票,因为股价会迟早跟着盈利而上升。